Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Sex and The City...

Today, a chance to watch SATC after work. First, when the movie started...I once couldn't get used to these four women and all the scenes on the big screen for those SATC loyal fans. But it's good to watch them in the different size of shooting, format...and all other movie stuff.... I can't name all of it... not an expert in this area... Even the score fits the movie and I'd like it... Also...some people may wonder that how the 40-minute TV series turn out to be 2-hour movie and not bore the audience... I can say the answer is great and no! It doesn't bore me and I believe even the people never saw it would agree with me.

I like the beginning...briefly introduce these 4 women, how they are and what they are...and then unveil the whole story... Of course, the movie isn't just about how great NY city is, all those fashion stuff, and sex...
And some scenes is really touching, I'd kill for them. For example, when you're at your deepest darkness, friends are beside you no matter how busy they could've been...(of course, it's a movie, may not be applied to real world!!) But I just envy this kind of relationship which real friends should be like...

And the ultimate theme in this story, "LOVE"...
when the last scene's on:
"To Samantha, 50 and fabulous!!...",
"4 New York women dress head to toe in love, and that's the one label that never goes out of style"
To me, whatever age I am, I'm still get to be fabulous!!
And find that label that never goes out of style!!!


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