Wednesday, December 03, 2008


The movie "Twilight" is a hot topic right now, based on the #1 New York Times best-selling book by Stephenie Meyer.

It's a love story about a girl and a vampire, which makes me feel somewhat similar to the TV series I followed: Moonlight. After doing some little research, no wonder that main actor and actress look so familiar, it's because the girl, Kristen Stewart, was that daughter of Judy Foster in the movie "Panic Room" and the vampire, Robert Pattinson, was Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter movie...

Just when I thought I might have to wait until next year to see this movie then I found out only I need to wait until 12/12 to find out how the story goes............................

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to spoil it for you, the movie really lacks of any
    content... I only watched it because my brother was visiting and
    he insist on seeing the movie.

    The guy is pretty hot, I think he is British but he looks like a
    Greek to me.


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