Most of the girls/women can't resist chocolate and flowers. Chocolate, at least, lots of my friends love it, that's for sure. But me, I'm not into it and I'm not a chocolate girl. I don't know why, I just can't keep throwing chocolate into my mouth. Tasting some once for a while is great, but not like always and being crazy about it.
And flowers, I don't know, I'm not interested in flowers. Yet, there are girls loving flowers. That's a fact I can't deny.
So, for you saw what I wrote here, you're probably thinking I'm not a flowers-and-chocolate person. general, that's true! I'm always thinking of myself as a practical person.
From the earlier past, I thought those symbolic stuff are just for some abstractive purpose, they didn't have any specific functions. However, if I got flowers and chocolate from a guy, I feel excited about it. But for my experience, not because of the "flowers and chocolate" I got, it's the feelings that count. So, those flowers and chocolate must mean something. And that "something" makes me treasure the stuff the guy gave me.
So, did I prove that I'm a chocolate-and-flower girl again?
Huh....even me don't know the answer.
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