This afternoon, when I drove in Waterview, I saw a guy walking his dog and playing with him. (Let's assume it's a "him".) So lovely and warming a scene. Since I've lived in Dallas for a while, I realized that it's a great environment to raise and keep a dog here. It's almost always sunny, air is fresh, and it's much more spacious than we have in Taiwan. Therefore, not only it's good for pets but also people would be appealed by these qualities of living in US.
So based on what I said above, I really want to have a dog staying with me, be my friend that I can always talk to, and when I feel bored I can play with. However, some elements I need to take into consideration, which are... if I got a dog, then it would become my full reponsibility, I need to educate him to let him behave well, also it would cost some extra money of my studying here. So, I may just compromise with those conditions...and feel green-eyed for those who have dogs and have a great time with them.
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